

28th June 2023


We did it!

On June 9th we were inspected by Ofsted and we were graded Outstanding!!!!!

The inspector commented on how well behaved and  independent the children were, they were a credit to you all.

The staff team we have are amazing and each one brings a different set of skills that they put to good use in preschool. They create a learning environment that uses the children’s interests and strengths, is fun and delivered through playful experiences.

We held a surprise party on Tuesday for the children to thank them all for being wonderful and so we could let them know the good news before it became public knowledge.

What people say about us

"Since joining the Nursery my daughter has developed in so many ways. She is more confident and balanced and looks forward to going into nursery everyday." Parent of Child
“Thank you so much for the past year and a half. From day one of me being in bits about potty training you have always offered so much help and support.” Parent of Child
"Because of you I will always have the memory of the time my child showed me he could put on his own coat and shoes himself. The pride in his face I will never forget." Parent of Child
I just wanted you to all know how amazing you have all been this past year, my child has came on so much since September. Thank you for all your help dealing with the teams he is under, I would have been lost since his diagnosis but you have helped us through it. Parent of a child
Thank you all for a fabulous first term, my child talks about preschool and all of his teachers with a huge smile on his face which is all I can ask for. Parent of a child
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